A newborn baby yawning

Why You Should Definitely Be Celebrating Baby Sleep Day Every March 1st


You’ll do your baby (and yourself) a big favor if you recognize how important sleep is and how to help everybody get more of it



    Baby Sleep Day is March 1! And yes, it is a real thing. While most new parents realize how precious sleep is (both for their baby and themselves), this is a day that really emphasizes the importance of shuteye. 

    Baby Sleep Day was created by the Pediatric Sleep Council, and its goal is to raise awareness about why sleep is so essential for the healthy development of babies as well as why it’s vital for parents. This guide goes over the many benefits of sleep for everybody, along with tips for better slumber.

    Why is sleep vital for babies?

    Chances are good that your baby sleeps quite a bit. According to the National Sleep Foundation, newborns typically get between 14 and 17 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, and even sleeping up to 19 hours in that span isn’t uncommon. the more sleep they get, the better, because this helps them in a number of areas like


    Sleep – and not just regular sleep, but deep sleep, which babies spend about half their time in – has a direct link to healthy growth. It is during this type of sleep that their growth hormones are primarily secreted. 


    It may not be obvious, but when your baby is sleeping, their brain is actually very busy. A study involving music and puffs of air found that infants learn while they sleep. And as for that twitching they sometimes do, this is their nervous system testing the connection between their brain and muscles. 

    -Heart health

    Sleep is also great for your baby’s heart, as it offers protection from the damage that stress hormones can cause. Jeffrey Durmer, a sleep specialist and researcher, says: "Children with sleep disorders have excessive brain arousal during sleep, which can trigger the fight-or-flight response hundreds of times each night. Their blood glucose and cortisol remain elevated at night. Both are linked to higher levels of diabetes, obesity, and even heart disease."


    There’s a strong connection between lack of sleep and weight gain, studies have found. One from Penn State showed that when parents better understood the differences between a hungry baby and one showing signs of distress for other reasons, their babies were more likely to sleep soundly and less likely to be overweight. Sleep deprivation may also impact leptin, which is a hormone that tells us that we’ve eaten enough. 


    While we sleep, proteins called cytokines are made, and these are crucial for fighting illness and infection. When someone doesn’t get enough sleep, it limits the number of cytokines produced, which means that there’s a greater chance of getting – and remaining – sick. 

    Why is sleep vital for you?

    For a new parent, sleep can be hard to come by. Getting more than a few hours in a row can be a challenge. And while walking around like a zombie is pretty much par for the course, you should try to get as much sleep as you can. This is because it affects:

    -Memory and attention span

    How often do you go into a room only to forget why you went in there? You could probably blame lack of sleep for this. When you don’t get shuteye, the brain has problems consolidating memories, which leads to forgetfulness. Sleep deprivation can also be very dangerous, as it affects your alertness. A study found that drivers who got less than seven hours were more likely to get into a crash.

    -Mental health

    When someone doesn’t get enough sleep, this can cause them to feel sad and lonely, and there is a link between sleep deprivation and depression. This can be especially serious with new mothers, as lack of sleep can trigger or worsen postpartum depression. 


    Just like with your baby, sleep can have a big impact on your weight. When you get proper sleep every night, you are more likely to maintain a healthy weight and have a higher metabolism. 

    There’s a connection between people who don’t sleep enough and having an increased body mass index.


    Have you ever hurt yourself only to discover that the next day you felt a whole lot better? You can thank sleep for this. When you sleep, because you’re not utilizing much energy, your body can focus on increasing blood flow – which brings oxygen and nutrients – to the areas that need it most. 

    Tips to help you and your baby get more sleep

    While sleeping patterns may be out of whack for a while when you bring your baby home, it is possible to make things easier for everyone with a few tactics.

    -Stick to a routine

    It’s important to create a rhythm when it comes to sleep, which is why you should have a pretty standard bedtime routine. This will enable you and your baby to know what to expect every night. Consider making a plan with your partner if you have one about who will get up to take care of the baby so the other person can get as much sleep as possible. 

    -Take naps

    While you may be eager for your little one to take a nap so you can do any number of household chores, perhaps the best thing you can do is also take a snooze. According to the Sleep Foundation, even just a 20-minute nap can boost your mood and alertness. 

    -Keep your baby near you

    Whatever you can do to limit sleep loss for everyone is a smart idea. This is why it makes sense to have your baby in your bedroom for at least the first six months. When you only have to go a few feet for feedings or soothing instead of into another room, those precious seconds can add up. Plus, with a bassinet that has a detachable side, you may not even need to get out of bed. 

    Li’l Pengyu was created to help ensure that babies are as safe and as comfortable as possible to foster better sleep and play.  We focus on helping new parents with parenthood by offering convenient and safe sleep and play solutions. out all of our products to see how we can help you and your baby get improved slumber.

    Ximena Sánchez


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