A mother helps her baby blow his nose when allergy season starts

Five Ways to Protect Your Baby When Allergy Season Begins


Spring allergies are common and can happen in kids and even babies. As a parent, you want to be prepared at all times, especially before an allergic reaction kicks in. Here’s what you should know. 



    Spring is one of the most pleasant seasons of the year. It marks a change in temperature as natural landscapes come to life after a cold and dull winter. Days start to become longer, and flowers begin to bloom. Unfortunately, despite all of the beauty, Spring also brings many traditional seasonal allergens. 

    The most common allergens found during this season are pollen (from trees, grasses, and weeds) and outdoor mold. When your child inhales these allergens, their immune system may trigger the production of antibodies which, in turn, cause the release of a protein known as histamine. The histamine protein spurs the symptoms associated with an allergy. 

    So, when does Spring allergy season begin? March tends to be when Spring allergens emerge, and these allergens peak in April when the trees release their pollen. Nevertheless, seasons and plant pollination can vary across locations, so child allergies can be a year-round issue. 

    At what age do infant allergies begin? 

    Seasonal allergies are not common in children under one. Babies at this age are more likely to suffer from food or eczema allergies. Allergies can begin to pop up more commonly, however, in children between one-two years old and are much more common in children aged three-five. 

    It’s rather unlikely for pollen allergies to occur within the first year of life. More often than not, the human body needs to be exposed to allergen triggers for one or two seasons before it begins to react. 

    So, can six-month-olds have allergies? Sure, it is a possibility, but in most cases, children do not develop allergies until they are around three to five years old. If infants show symptoms of allergies, it could be a reaction to indoor allergens, such as dust or pet dander. 

    Common allergy symptoms in children

    As a parent, you’ll want to know how to spot an allergic reaction ahead of time. Some of the most common allergy symptoms include: 

    • Sneezing or wheezing 
    • Headache 
    • Dark circles under the eyes 
    • Frequent mouth breathing 
    • Trouble sleeping or fatigue 
    • Watery, puffy, itchy, or red eyes 
    • Itchy, runny, or stuffy nose 

    Five tips to protect your baby when allergy season starts 

    Nobody wants to see an infant or toddler with allergies struggling. Here are five helpful tips to protect your child when allergy season begins. 

    1. Keep your home clean

    First thing first, keep your home as clean as possible to remove allergy-causing triggers. Use air filters or purifiers in the home. Dust regularly, remove shoes before coming inside (to avoid tracking in pollen from the outdoors), and replace the filters in your furnace and air conditioning vents as directed by the manufacturer. When you’re doing the laundry, dry your clothes in the dryer rather than on an outside line to avoid pollen collection on wet clothes. 

    2. Check local pollen counts

    You can easily check what your local pollen count is by looking online or downloading an app for your phone. On the days that your local pollen count is abnormally high, limit outdoor activities and keep windows closed. 

    3. Bathe your little ones after spending a lot of time outdoors

    Pollen is a pesky allergen because it easily sticks to clothes and carpets. That’s why we recommend you wash your little one after you spend long periods of time outdoors. This will ensure there are no remains of pollen on their clothes or hair. Similarly, if you have dogs, bathe them regularly as their fur also traps pollen. 

    4. Keep a close eye on your child’s health

    Many allergy symptoms in children and babies are easily mistaken for cold or flu symptoms. Therefore, you must keep a close eye on the development of your child’s health. If you notice that their runny nose, sneezing, or puffy eyes do not go away after a few days, they may be struggling with allergies. Plus, if anyone in your immediate family suffers from allergies, this may be a contributing indicator that your baby does as well. 

    5. Visit the pediatrician

    Last but not least, don’t hesitate to visit your child’s pediatrician as soon as you start to notice any signs of allergies. A medical professional will be able to recommend the best course of treatment and ensure any infant allergy symptoms are kept to a minimum. More often than not, your child will be prescribed some antihistamines to help ease their reactions. 

    Your baby’s safety is our priority

    Li’l Pengyu places your baby’s safety as our top priority. We understand that taking care of a tiny human can be rather challenging, to say the least. That’s why we place your child’s well-being at the forefront of everything we do.

    We aim to make parents’ lives easier by providing high-quality, innovative products, such as portable bassinets and playpens. We also have a larger commitment to providing parents with valuable content that helps them keep their babies safe and happy. Don’t forget, we’re in this together. Check out our homepage to learn more about us, our products, and what we have to offer.  

    Ximena Sánchez


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