A baby holding the finger of a new parent

10 Practical Tips for New Parents


When you become a new parent, remember to trust yourself, prepare for a big change, and accept help from others. Relax, breathe, and smile. This post will help you take a step back from it all and learn 10 simple and practical tips for new parents.


    It’s hard to know where to start as a new parent. There is so much to learn and manage with the pregnancy and the many unknowns of parenthood. There is a lot of advice for new parents on products, health care (doctors), insurance concerns, baby proofing tips, and so much more. Where do you begin?

    1. Prepare, prepare, prepare

    You may think it’s the most obvious thing in the world – you have to prepare for your new baby. You want to have a lot figured out before the new arrival, like a bed for the new arrive to sleep in and perhaps the supplies you’ll need for proper care. 

    But don’t underestimate just how important it is to prepare for a newborn. Create an ongoing list of questions so you’ll remember to find the information you need. You won’t know all the answers, no matter how much you prepare, but you’ll most likely find yourself being ahead of the game.

    2. Expect a big change

    There are some parts of parenthood you just can’t prepare for. It’s a different experience for everyone. But one thing is certain – your life will never be the same again. Accepting this reality will help you mentally prepare for the new life that you are bringing into this world. 

    It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous and overwhelmed when you realize just how much of a change having a child will be. Your baby will need constant care and attention, and you won’t get breaks. But remember that the first year is usually the hardest.

    3. Sleep when your baby sleeps

    Lack of sleep is one of the most common remarks you hear about new parenthood. You’re at your baby’s beck and call, and when they’re not sleeping, you’re not sleeping. Even though you understandably want some time to yourself when your baby goes to sleep, try to sleep during those periods. They may not come often, especially at first, so rest whenever you can.

    4. Shut out all “noise”

    You probably already know just how many opinions people want to share about having a baby. They might want to give you advice about things they wish they’d known. Or, they overstate negative experiences to warn you. 

    Whatever the case may be, remember that you don’t have to listen to them. Every parenting approach is different, and no one can tell you what’s right for you and your family. Think about what really matters to you, and what works for you, instead of bringing in all that stressful noise. Above all, trust your own instinct for your baby. In most cases, a parent just “knows”

    5. Plan out how you’ll relieve stress

    Yes, prioritizing yourself when you’re a new parent is okay. Parents need to focus on wellness like everyone else for their physical and mental well-being. 

    Plan out time in advance, that you can take, to help you relieve stress. Schedule a massage or some slotted time to take a long bath. Go for a walk for an hour by yourself and listen to music. If you’re sharing baby duty with a partner, make sure you trade off so you both have time to unwind. You’ll then return to your baby more refreshed and less stressed.

    6. Stay in the present moment

    It’s easy to stress about the future when you’re having a baby. You may worry about the delivery, whether your child will get sick, or if you’re going to be a bad parent. Try to focus instead on what’s happening right now. Take care of yourself and plan as much as you can.

    When your baby arrives, focus on bonding with them and meeting their immediate needs. Don’t get caught up in worry that will take you out of the present moment.

    7. Follow your instincts

    With all the opinions about parenting out there, and all the new products being released every year, it’s hard to know what to believe and whom/what to trust. While you should follow best practices and safety procedures from experts and doctors, make sure you’re listening to your instincts. If something feels off, take another look. If you and your baby are happy doing things a little differently sometimes, it’s okay to trust yourself. 

    8. Accept all the emotions that come

    Pregnancy and parenthood come with their own share of varied emotions. You may feel scared, excited, or even sad. It’s normal to go through these different feelings. Of course, if you are experiencing emotions that you feel are outside your own level of comfort, don’t hesitate to seek professional help and guidance.

    9. Allow others to help you

    It’s easy to feel overly protective of your new baby. You want to be there for every moment and be in charge of the everyday life for your child. But 101 parenting teaches us that sometimes you do need to accept help from other people, whether family or friends. 

    Beyond giving new parents congratulations, people actually do want to help them succeed and avoid stress. It’s also okay to ask for help from others when you feel you are in over your head. Lean on the people who care about you as much as you can so you don’t get burned out or too isolated from your life.

    10. Have some fun!

    Some parents get so caught up in worrying and stress and lack of sleep that they forget to experience the joy of the baby in front of them. Remember to be silly sometimes and create opportunities for laughter in your home. When something that feels disastrous happens, but really isn’t, find the humor in it. Play along with your baby and sing songs to relieve some stress.

    Find the right new parent products with Li’l Pengyu

    Sometimes, you just need the right products and hacks to make your new parenting life a lot easier. At Li’l Pengyu, we focus on safety, convenience, and quality in the products we produce, including our thoughtfully-made bassinets and playpens. 

    Learn more by contacting us or checking out our store.

    Ximena Sánchez

    Ximena Sánchez


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