A woman’s hand holding a baby camera monitor in front of her baby

The Ins and Out of Baby Monitors


You might have your nursery set up, but does it include a baby camera or monitor in the proper place?


    Once all the excitement (and chaos) involved with having a baby subsides a bit it’s time to focus on the actual logistics of having this new little person in your home. While you may have gotten your bassinet or crib and other things set up, have you given any thought to how you’ll keep tabs on your baby when you’re not next to them? 

    This is where monitors and baby cameras play a huge role. In this guide, we’ll discuss the different types of baby monitors, where to put them in your home, and the importance of safety.

    Wait, do I even need a baby monitor?

    The short answer to this question is no – if your baby will never leave your side. For realistic purposes, however, this is pretty much impossible. If your baby will sleep in your room at night – which is the recommendation for at least the first six months – they’ll probably sleep in there during the morning and afternoon, too. This means that if you want to venture to other parts of your home, you can do it without having to worry by setting up a monitor. 

    Different baby monitors to consider

    If you decide you need a monitor for your baby, here are the three main kinds to consider

    Audio only

    Just as its name implies, an audio-only monitor just picks up sounds. In addition to those cute coos and sweet snores, it’ll let you hear cries, coughs, or other noises that indicate your baby may need some attention.


    If you want to be able to hear and see your baby when you’re away, going with a baby camera is a smart choice. Generally, these can be attached to a wall and will give you a live feed on a monitor. They typically offer night vision and let you do things like tilt and zoom. The more advanced models can also do things like track sleep. 


    Your smartphone can do so much, including monitor your baby. With a Wi-Fi-enabled camera, you’ll be able to use your smartphone and an app to see what they’re doing from anywhere in your house – or wherever else you may be. 

    Other types of monitors

    In addition to audio and video monitors, there are other varieties, including:

    Movement detection

    Placed under the baby’s mattress, this monitor keeps track of their movements and breathing patterns. If no movement is detected for a designated period, an audible alarm will sound.


    If you wear any sort of fitness tracking app, you’ll be familiar with this type of monitor. It typically consists of a band or sock, and it monitors things like breathing, heart rate, and temperature. Some of them also offer sleep analytics so parents can track sleeping patterns. 

    Putting the monitor in the right place

    After you choose and purchase a monitor, the next step is to think about where to put it. If you’re using an audio-only device, make sure it’s close enough to your baby to pick up sounds. Don’t put it within your baby’s reach, though, as you don’t want them to get hurt playing with it. You may need to experiment to figure out exactly where to put it. 

    With video, the same thing applies; it needs to be able to fully show your baby. It may be a good idea to mount a camera on a wall to get the best angles. 

    Safety tips for your baby monitor

    When it comes to a newborn, safety must be one of your biggest priorities. This is why there are important things to keep in mind when getting your monitor set up. 

    First, you have to be sure that it won’t pose any sort of safety risk to your baby. This means that it should not be within arm’s reach, especially if it has a cord. Keeping the monitor and cord at least three feet away from wherever the little one sleeps is a good rule to follow. And it cannot be in their crib or bassinet or on the edge. 

    If you plan to mount a camera, put it on a wall different from the one their bed is on. Even if it seems very sturdy, there’s always that chance that it could fall. 

    Getting the most from your monitor

    Being able to keep an eye on your baby while you sit in the kitchen and enjoy a hot beverage or go out and get the mail or do any number of things can give you great peace of mind. You will particularly appreciate this if you work from home. Instead of needing to interrupt what you’re doing every five minutes to check on your baby, you can just keep your monitor or phone handy while you work. Even when your baby gets past the sleeping-most-of-the-day stage and becomes a lot livelier, you can put them in a playpen and monitor them from there.

    Many parents decide to keep using their monitors even when their infants turn into toddlers. In fact, once they’re mobile, it may make the most sense to put monitors throughout your home to see what they’re up to no matter where they are. 

    An important note about baby monitors

    Baby monitors can be extremely useful but parents need to know that they aren’t a substitute for actual supervision. Newborns need to be checked on often, which is why so many parents choose to go with furniture that can be moved easily from room to room. 

    If you’re looking for portable and safe baby furniture, Li’l Pengyu has you covered. Check out all the bassinets and playpens we offer. We care about making better baby care products for you. 

    Ximena Sánchez


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